Treasure Island - part 4

Suddenly, Jim heard Silver's parrot. The pirates were asleep in the fort! They woke up. Silver told Jim their story.

''Dr Livesey came to us. He said, 'The Hispaniola isn't in the harbour. I don't know where she is.' In the end we made peace. Your friends gave us some food and went away. Why not join us?''

''No'', said Jim. ''I moved the Hispaniola. She's in a place where you can't find her.''

The pirates wanted to kill Jim., but Silver said, "The doctor gave me the map and he's bringing us some medicine tomorrow. Let's keep the boy. He's useful."

The next day, Dr Livesey came. Jim talked to him in private.

"The Hispaniola's in North Inlet", he said, "and Silver saved my life. We should help him."

The doctor agreed. Then he left.

Later, Silver and the pirates went to find the treasure. They found an empty hole in the ground. Suddenly, there were gunshots. Two pirates fell dead. The others ran away. Dr Livesey and Ben Gunn appeared.

"Ben found the treasure and put it in his cave near Rum Cove", said the doctor.

"I understand now why you gave me the map!" said Silver.

They put the gold on The Hispaniola. They left the other pirates on the island and sailed to the South America to find more sailors. While Jim and his friends were on land, Silver ran away with a bag of gold.

Finally, Jim and his friends returned to England with the treasure.

Finish, friends ☺

source: book of  Network SB 1B

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