Young Sherlock Holmes in The Case of The Red Letter

It was Amy Adler's 13th birthday. Her schoolfriend, Watson and Holmes, were not far from her house. They were buying some biscuits for her in Tipton's grocery shop in Baker Street. Miss Jones, the local schoolteacher, was chatting with Lizzie Lampwick,  the shop assistant, at the till.

"Amy always gets a good birthday present from her Aunt Edith," said Watson, while they waited. "Remember last year? She sent her a ten-pound note."

"Yes," said Holmes. "Aunt Edith always sends Amy money every year, and always in a red envelope."

Just then Moriarty, the 15-year-old grocery delivery boy, came out from behind the counter. He was wearing an overall. He was carrying some green packets of China tea and some packets of Indian tea.

"Out of the way!" he said rudely.

He didn't see Mr Beal, the postman who was coming into the shop with some letters. The two collided, and letters and packets of tea fell all over the floor. Holmes and Watson helped Mr Beal up and sat him on a chair to catch his breath.

Mr Tipton put his head out of the store room to see what the noise was all about. Miss Jones picked up a couple of letters and handed them to Mr Beal. She then said goodbey and left the shop. Lizzie started to collect the rest of the letters. Mr Tipton asked Moriarty to pick up the packets of tea and put them with the others on the shop shelves.

Watson noticed that Moriarty was doing the job all wrong. He was mixing the green packets and the red packets in the same section. Holmes was watching Moriarty too, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Lizzie, could you sort out the tea shelf?" said Mr Tipton. "Young Moriarty's making a real mess of it."

Moriarty scowled angrily. "You can finish picking up the letters, young man," said Mr Tipton.

At that moment a foreigner entered the shop. "Can you help me?" he asked, as he picked up a handful of letters and gave them to Mr Beal, "I'm looking for Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum."

Holmes directed the man further down the street and Moriarty picked up the last letters from the floor and put them in Mr Beal's post bag. Now, the postman was breathing normally. He stood up and looked through his bag. "I don't understand it," he said. "I was going to the Adler's house after this, and I had two letters for Amy. One in a red envelope and one in green envelope. They're both missing."

Everyone looked at the floor but there were no letters there.

"So, someone stole them," said Mr Tipton.

:Obviously, the thief knew about Amy's Aunt Edith and wanted the money that was in the red envelop," said Watson. He stared hard at Lizzie.

"But why steal both envelopes?" asked Mr Beal. "It doesn't make sense."

"I know the answer," said young Sherlock Holmes ...

read it once again and find the answer ☺ and comment  ☺ thank you~ 
see the right answer in my next post ^^

source: book of Network WB 2B

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